Growing up being an athlete doesn’t mean I have always gotten up every morning and started my day with a 3 mile jog! Finding a balance of what makes me happy and still burning some calories is always pretty difficult for me! 3 years ago I was an avid Crossfitter! I was going about 3-4 times a week, playing softball 2 days a week, and coaching a high school softball team where I would do workouts with them after practice. After being hospitalized for 7 days withRhabdomyolysis -see my full story here), I realized I needed to slow down and find a workout that was less intense. After leaving the hospital, I didn’t work out for about a year. I would do pushups here and there or go on a walk, but really just chilled and let my body heal. I was also so scared to get this again or become “obsessed” with working out and what my body looked like. From the outside I was in the best shape of my life, but inside I wasn’t properly hydrating or eating enough protein in order for my body to recover from all the exercise. I was also trying to be involved in too much to cover up some emotional pain I was feeling as well. I am very competitive in every way, and Crossfit was just too much for me personally and my personality. I now suffer from migraines and with my business I travel and work a lot so nutrition and exercise are so important in making sure I don’t get a migraine. They put me down for about 3 days and honestly Im not sure I know anyone that can afford to be down for 3 days! I had to find workouts that have balance, positivity but also allow me to feel like I am still getting a workout.
This is where hot Yoga has come into my life: I had NO idea if I was good at this at all! I knew I could touch my toes “that morning” and used to do back bends as a kid, but never thought yoga could actually be a workout! My idea of yoga was stretching, a smelly room and possible farts here and there! I knew I was too immature to handle all that! But I tried the 40 for 40 atOrlando Power Yoga and left there feeling amazing. I went 33 out of the 40 days and was so surprised how my body transformed in such a short amount of time.
The MIND part of this workout is just as important as the body part. I am emotional, I love hard and my job can be stressful with deadlines and working for about 20 different people at the same time. Add on migraines to that equation and working, eating right and having a balance is a non negotiable in my life. I don’t go to yoga everyday and some days I just don’t really have the time to dedicate to a 90 min workout, but I have now tried to make it a priority at some point. (Scroll to the bottom where I share some of my quick workouts).
I’ve cried, I’ve laughed, I’ve slept, I’ve prayed, I’ve stressed, I’ve fallen, I’ve pushed too hard, I’ve cried some more, I’ve taken the deepest breaths I’ve ever taken and I’ve learned so much about who I am and who I want to be, all in Yoga. This might all sound cooky, but it’s really been such a great experience for my Mind, Body and Spirit!
Quick workouts I do when Im traveling or too busy to go to Yoga:
- I always have a jumprope with me at all times. Just 10 mins of jumprope is just enough cardio to get my day going.
- I wake up and do 50 squats while Im brushing my teeth
- Do 3 sets of 1 min planks
- 20 push ups without stopping- try doing this once in the morning and once at night
- Get an ab wheel- this thing will make you feel so out of shape at first, but I do 20 in a row once before I get in the shower and once before I go to sleep. I sometimes keep this in my car too.
- 20 pound dumbbells are a must. I keep them right next to my big mirror and knock out 20 squats, 20 push presses, 20 dead lifts, goblet squat, bicep curls and calf raises. I can do all of these with this weight.
Nutrition is also key- I am not perfect, and am not workout obsessed by any means. I try and eliminate all the extras. I don’t order appetizers, I always ask for the dressing on the side, eat only 1 piece of bread, and try and bring snacks with me in the car throughout my busy day. Taking the stairs in the airport or parking far away when going to the grocery store can always just give you a little boost of burning a few more calories.